Detox / 44 posts found

Best Spices for Weight Loss

by Angie
  Metabolism is the body’s way of extracting energy from the food you consume; this process occurs at different rates for different people and can be affected by different foods. Thermogenic foods help increase the rate of metabolism by promoting thermogenesis, a process during which the body burns the calories from the food you just ate by converting those calories to heat and facilitating weight loss. There are myriad spices that are considered thermogenic and can help support better weight loss. Here are a few: 1.   Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper has been used for centuries weight loss. It contains capsaicin, […]

Traditional Polish Beet Kavas

by Angie
My favorite soup for holidays is beet soup. To make this soup I need to make fermented beet kavas! In Poland, beet kavas is made for traditional Christmas borscht, but I also like to make more and drink afterward. I make this amazing drink on a regular basis over the year. In my opinion, it is delicious, but it is also an incredibly healthy drink because it is a natural probiotic! It helps heal your gut as well as your blood and immunity. It is a natural energy drink. Great not only for your Christmas Eve! Beets are an amazing […]

Bone Broth Benefits for Hormones

by Angie
  We have heard a lot about bone broth. It is a big thing now, but do you know that drinking a bone broth can improve your hormonal health? I’m a big fan of bone broth, and I have been making it since I was a child. I used to help my grandmother cook and make all kind of different concoctions. In the country I come from Poland we did not waste any part of the animal. We knew that animals bones are incredibly nutritious and help replenish minerals in our body. Lucky for me, I live in Boulder right […]

Four Tips To Help Balance Hormones

by Angie
Balancing hormones is not an easy task, and it can be complicated. There is so much information on the internet. Most of my clients complain that they don’t know where to start and they feel overwhelmed. If you don’t know where to begin here are four tips, which will give you some idea as to how much work you will have to do to feel better. You can take those three simple steps. Give them a try and see the difference they can make. Tip #1 Balance Blood Sugar As easy as it sounds 95% of Americans don’t know who […]

Hormone Balancing Dandelion and Chicory Root Latte

by Angie
  If you are looking for a great coffee substitute – here you found it!   If you want to be healthy, watch your calories, keep your lean figure and quit coffee but don’t want to give up your favorites lattes, then you need to check out this healthy latte recipe. Store bought lattes are usually loaded with empty calories in the form of copious amounts of sugar, bad fat and don’t fill you up like food. This is why drinking calories is a bad idea, especially when you’re cutting them. That doesn’t mean you have to give up on […]

Why I Started Drinking Dandelion Tea.

by Angie
    Dandelions have long been used for their medicinal qualities. As long as they have not been sprayed with herbicides or other toxins, they are completely safe to use and offer a plethora of benefits. In fact, they are one of my favorite ingredients for tea. Common to use is either their leaves or the roasted roots of the plant. Here are just a few benefits of dandelion tea.   1. Reduces Water Weight Dandelion tea is an effective diuretic to help increase urination and relieve bloating; try just two cups of tea to see reduced water weight. 2. […]

How to do a One-Day Mini Detox

by Angie
  Sometimes all your body needs is a simple one-day detox to cleanse your mind and body and replenish your energy. So often, a day off really isn’t a day off; I know that I personally am just as busy on my “days off” as I am when I’m at work! The grind can get exhausting, and we all have those days when we feel like we just want to quit and sleep for a week straight. These are the days when your body is demanding a reset, and a one-day mini detox is a great way to do it. […]

Detox with an Epsom Salt Bath

by Angie
An Epsom salt bath is a great way to help our body’s natural detoxification process. Today’s world exposes us to more toxins than ever through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and even the medications we take. These toxins are irritating, harming, and possibly even destroying our bodies. Detoxification is your body’s way of metabolizing or removing these harmful compounds. Improving and supporting our body’s ability to detoxify and dispose of waste is essential, as is limiting its exposure to toxins. A detox Epsom salt bath is one way you can help your body flush those toxins out […]

How I Balanced My Blood Sugar with These Spices.

by Angie
  If you feel as if you are on a caffeine roller coaster or hormone roller coaster you are not alone. You are not to blame for your body’s lack of energy, but your blood sugar probably is; that was certainly the case for me. Our bodies are not designed to handle the amount of sugar in today’s modern diet. The high glycemic index foods that pervade our diets tend to send our blood sugar through the roof, prompting our pancreas to produce a surge of insulin. This insulin is necessary for removing glucose from the blood into the cells, […]

Signs You Need to Detox

by Angie
How toxic are you? There is no way to know for sure. Being “toxic” is a euphemism (you are not really toxic) used to describe the fact that the many toxic substances that we are exposed to, enter our body and do not necessarily leave. Toxins can be from the environment, our food or created in our body as part of normal body function. If toxins are in the body, they must leave the body and there are a few systems in the body that must do the detoxification. The key player is the liver which can rid the body […]