Health Benefits of Sprouting and Sprouting Guide

by Angie


If you need to make sprouts at home, here are some important tips. These are some of the steps you will be able to get in your recipes and use in making yours.

There are also several supermarkets that sell already prepared and sprouted sprouts.

Sprouts: The Definition

A sprout is the final product you get when you germinate a grain, seed, bean or nut and it begins to grow. The germination indicates the beginning of a growing process. It also helps in the digestibility of the grain and brings enzymes into the given sprout.

When a dry bean or seed is sprouted, it will develop from a hard and dry ball into various vitamins, protein, and minerals that can be easily digested and used by the body. Apart from being so easy to sprout even at home, they can be then used as a garnish when cooking a meal or also used as salads, and not forgetting the kind of fantastic crunch that they add to soup.

Advantages of Sprouting

As a matter of fact, nearly all flours were composed of fermented or sprouted grain to enable easy digestion. That’s no longer done and explains why digesting grains have become a great problem these days. Nonetheless, here are some of the benefits of sprouting

They Neutralize Enzyme Inhibitors and Phytic Acid

Since phytic acid binds with zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, and calcium, it becomes nearly impossible for you to be able to absorb the nutrients. It also does some harm to the digestive system.

The best way to neutralize phytic acid is by sprouting your seeds, legumes or grains. In the process, you will also be able to neutralize the enzyme inhibitors that, apart from inhibiting enzymes in the real seed, can also inhibit the important enzymes the moment they have been consumed in.

It Helps Digestibility

Apart from the anti-nutrients that are neutralized through sprouting, there are a number of changes that occur during sprouting and enable us to digest our grains, legumes or seeds. Soaking can take away some of the fat and change the heavy vegetable protein to easy amino acid for quick digestion.

According to Raw Transformation’s Wendy Rudell, that is the only way many complex carbohydrates in the food will be able to break into easy glucose molecules. Sprouting will also break down the complex sugars that normally make the grains to cause intestinal gas.

Once the enzyme inhibitors have been neutralized, the enzymes will then be produced during the process of sprouting before they are consumed. In short, sprouting greatly assist in digestion.

Sprouting Increases the Nutritional Content

Apart from producing vitamin C, the germination process also converts the composition of seeds and grains in a number of beneficial means. It also increases the content of vitamin B, particularly vitamin B2, B5, as well as B6. That is according to Sally Fallon in the publication known as Nourishing Traditions.

Sally continues to narrate how the Chinese were fond of traveling with mung beans, which they would later sprout and eat since they believed the beans had enough vitamin C to fight off scurvy. In the sprouting process, researchers have proved that mung beans increase in vitamin B1 by up to 285%, vitamin B2 by up to 515%, as well as niacin by up to 256%.

Nothing Alkalizes to the Body as Sprouts

There are two main types of food; the alkalizing ones and the acid forming ones. To maintain proper food, your body just requires a good balance of acid that would alkalize the food. However, that never happens, as there are usually many acid-forming foods in our diet like stress that end up making the body more acidic.

Meats, legumes, and grains are believed to be acid forming, while vegetables and fruits are greatly alkalizing. When you sprout your legumes and grains, they end up becoming more alkaline-forming food. Sprouting is essentially a process of making a new plant and so, it’s like consuming a vegetable, making them more alkalizing.

The Kind of Seeds to be Sprouted

The fact is that you can easily sprout some pulses, seeds, and nuts, but you should look for the one that is much easier. Mung beans are the best one to start with since you can hardly go wrong with them.

Once you have attained your confidence with sprouting mung beans, you will be on a better ground of trying others from the following list;


Since they are large and have limited chances of molding, beans become the easiest choices of sprouting.

Some of the beans you can begin with are; mung, lentil, garbanzo, and adzuki.


Some of the seeds you can try sprouting are as follows;

  • Mustard seeds
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Clover seeds
  • Broccoli seeds
  • Alfalfa seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Radish seeds
  • Onion seeds


It is usually recommended to use raw unsalted whole nuts and not forget that nuts usually sprout on the inside. This is why you will not be able to see a tail come out as with the seeds.

Once they have been soaked for a period that is not less than six hours and not more than eight hours, you can then be able to eat them.

Here are some of the nuts you can sprout;

  • Pecans
  • Brazil nuts
  • Pistachios
  • Hazelnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pine nuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Cashews
  • Walnuts


Grains are, as a matter of fact, seeds that are grouped and used as grains. They are not necessarily grains. Some of them are;

  • Wild rice
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat
  • Amaranth

The Requirements for Sprouting

The amazing thing is that there is no fancy equipment that you require to begin sprouting. Here are the basic items you will need;

  • A jar
  • Filtered water
  • Muslin cloth
  • Elastic ribbon or band, but it can be replaced with a 2-part lid jar
  • The sprouting seed, bean or nut of your choice

How Long Would it Take to Grow?

Most sprouts would be able to be ready for consumption just with few days. The longer they are left, the more sprout they would become and the larger their tails will grow. The guide below will help you to know how long the sprout will take since various seeds and nuts might take longer to grow. It is also important that the smaller the sprout, the more prone it will become to molding, and so it is important to be watchful with water and ensure they are drained in a regular manner.

The seeds, nuts, and beans that take 4 to 6 hours to soak and 4 to 6 days to sprout are the radish seeds, clover seeds, and the alfalfa seeds.

Mung beans, lentils, garbanzo beans, and adzuki beans would take between 8 to 12 hours to soak and 3 to 4 days to sprout.

While sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and almonds would take 1 to 2 days to sprout and 6 to 12 hours to soak, millet and quinoa would take the same sprouting time but 8 to 10 hours to soak.

How to Sprout: Step-by-Step

  1. The first step would be able to pick the bean or seed of choice. It is advisable to go for the organic product to avoid pesticides that might bring imbalances by causing estrogenic effects on the seed’s body.
  2. Get a jar and soak the sprouts therein for six to twelve hours. The soak water should be replaced after some time, especially if you have time. For those who have busy schedules, rinsing them just once would be okay.
  3. Once they have been soaked, a number of the sprouts would appear more alive. They shall have grown is size, softer to feel and the shell will be easily cracked. A small tail might be noticeable.
  4. The next step is to drain the sprouts and use filtered water to rinse them. With a tiny piece of muslin over the jar, you can choose to place an elastic band around the top or replace the outer lid.
  5. Just leave them in the jar but do not forget to rinse them using filtered water twice in a day before they are drained again. Changes will be seen on each day and you can choose to eat them when they haven’t grown much or even wait until they are not only curly but also big.

Broccoli Sprouts Shot

  • 1  cup broccoli sprouts
  • 1  cup filtered water
  • Pinch sea salt
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Pinch of cayenne
  • You can add some maple syrup if you want
Put all ingredients  in a high-speed blender and blend it.  Serve immediately.

More about sprouting in my Thriving Hormones Detox!



In Health,


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