Breakfast for energy, weigh loss and balanced hormones.

by Angie


Are you struggling with not having enough energy, blood sugar rollercoaster and hormones all over the place?

I will show you how to make a healthy breakfast so you can banish all those issues!


I know that a lot of people are struggling with not knowing what to eat for breakfast. Most of us are thinking that our breakfast is “healthy,” but in reality, we are consuming breakfast high in sugar. This kind of food is not nourishing, and it is not satisfying. To the contrary believe we grow up with breakfast doesn’t have to be full of milk, fruits, cereals, grains or yogurt. Breakfast in Europe and other parts of the world is mostly savory, which means it contains eggs, vegetables, healthy fat, and some healthy, complex carbohydrates.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it influences how we perform physically and mentally. Breakfast helps raise the energy and restores the blood glucose level to normal after an overnight fast. Breakfast also helps build the muscle and liver glycogen stores.

The breakfast we are used to is full of sugar and simple carbohydrates, which creates a lot of different set of issues, like metabolic and hormonal problems.

A well-designed breakfast will provide an adequate amount of carbohydrate and other essential nutrients to raise the blood glucose levels and get you moving in the morning, giving you lots of energy, vitality and mental clarity.


Skipping breakfast or not eating breakfast full of nutrients, eating a high carbohydrate breakfast can be detrimental to your energy through the day, to your weight loss and hormone balance. Here’s why.


Breakfast has an impact on how your cortisol will behave throughout the day. Cortisol is a stress hormone, which is the highest first thing in the morning. The reason why cortisol elevated in the morning is that it helps you get out of bed and it regulates your circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle. This is an entirely natural and normal cycle, but when you don’t eat a proper breakfast after you wake up the problems can arise, like cortisol will break down muscle and use your muscles to create the sugar.

\You want lean muscle because it helps you to burn more calories. When you eat breakfast full in carbohydrates and sugar, you will experience sugar spikes and will be hungry sooner than you actually should. You will feel moody, unfocused and tired. This sugar roller-coaster creates stress on your body and the adrenal gland releases more cortisol than is needed to balance the sugar out. Most people suffer from compromised adrenals at some point in our lives and that sugar rollercoaster jeopardizes the function of our adrenals even further. When we suffer from adrenal exhaustion, we experience low energy, fatigue, no motivation, weight gain, sugar addiction, dried skin, feeling depleted, coffee addiction and premature aging.


What happens in the body when you eat a sugary breakfast?

Our society is addicted to sugar; there is no question about it. We consume way too many carbohydrates during the day. When I moved to the US, I could not comprehend how sweet everything was and what people eat here for breakfast. People eat as much as 40 teaspoons a day without even realizing it. I know, you would say that this not you, but believe me when you do the math and read the labels you will be quite shocked.

You can do a simple conversion of 4 grams = 1 teaspoon of sugar. It is really easy to get to that point when you are not careful.


Here is what happens in your body when you overeat sugar:

Let’s say you enjoy having a piece of toast with jelly or some kind of cereals for breakfast. Or maybe a muffin, bagel, and glass of milk. You get a sugar kick. Note that there is no fat, no real fiber or protein in that meal to slow the release of sugar. Even the milk is not helping because milk becomes sugar in the body too. The body gets a sugar rush; your blood sugar raises, pancreas releases insulin (a sugar-regulating hormone – yep it goes straight to your BELLY) to get the sugar out of the blood and into the cells to make energy. It is a natural process, but when we provide too much sugar through out a day your body will keep making more insulin, and your cells can become desensitized to it. You have too much sugar in your body that cannot be converted to energy and insulin will store it as fat because insulin is a fat storage hormone. You are left with high insulin levels, and couples of hours later you will experience a sugar crush because there was no fat or protein to help you keep the blood sugar stable. You will be hungry, lightheaded, moody and think about coffee or quick energy bar loaded with sugar to pick you up. Then you will experience this over again, and you will be on constant blood sugar roller coaster feeling like a crazy woman.


Breakfast is the most satiating meal of the day. Eating right, full of nutrients and satisfying breakfast reduce cortisol levels, lowers appetite and reduces daily caloric intake.


Breakfast plays an important role in sleep patterns. Blood sugar spikes during the night are the contributors to insomnia. Your sleep will dramatically improve if you start your day with a healthy breakfast.


Here are components of a healthy breakfast:


There are three components of healthy, hormone balancing breakfast: protein, fat, and fiber. Eating this way will help you to stay focused, grounded, satiated; it will stop the cravings and help with sleep.



Protein is critical to have balance hormones. Protein is full of amino acids, which are building blocks of hormones. They help build and maintain lean muscle. When you eat protein, they will contribute to slow down the release of sugar and prevent the sugar spikes. You should you eat 20-30g of protein with each meal.

Sources: (Choose organic and grass-fed sources) Turkey, Lamb, Bison, Chicken, Beef, Cod, Sardines, Salmon, Herring, Mackerel, Oysters, Oysters, Shrimps, Collagen Protein Powder (like Great Lakes), a moderate amount of soaked nuts and seeds along with legumes.

I assume you are surprised by that kind of breakfast. You are not used to eating dinner for breakfast, but in global cuisine, there are plenty of cultures who eat savory a breakfast along with the country I’m from- Poland.



Fat is super important for balancing blood sugar! Did you know that FAT (specifically cholesterol) makes ALL steroid hormones? Yep, our estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone are made from cholesterol! You need to get enough fat for your cells to work.

Fat is also the slowest digesting macronutrient, and it stimulates some digestive processes as well. Fat will drastically reduce the sugar spikes, and you won’t experience any sugar spikes after eating fat.

It is important however what type of fat you eat.

Vegetable oils, hydrogenated fats, fried foods are not on the right fat list. They need to be removed from your diet because they are oxidized, create oxidation in your body – aka ageing. They create inflammation in the body because they get rancid fast and they contain a lot of omegas 6, which produce inflammation in the body. We need to consume beneficial Omega-3s and saturated fats. They are essential in hormone function. Add  1-2 tbsp of fats to each meal.

Coconut oil is great for hormones health. Coconut oil contains the necessary building blocks for hormone production, help reduce inflammation and can assist in weight loss.

Sources: Avocados and their oil, Coconut meat, milk and oil, sacha inchi seeds and oil, hemp seeds and oil, chia seeds, flax seeds and their oil. Nuts/seeds and their oils or butter. Grass-fed butter, grass-fed ghee, pastured lard, extra virgin olive oil, MCT oil.



Fiber comes from plant food and provides us with carbohydrates. Eating some carbs is necessary for hormonal health.

Fiber helps to slow the blood sugar spike when we eat. Fiber helps us stabilize blood sugar, prevents cortisol spikes, helps maintain a healthy weight and flush out excess estrogen. Fiber helps us excrete excess hormones that have been metabolized through the liver and come out in our poop. Fibre feeds the good bacteria, keeps everything moving in out colon and aid with detoxification, which is important in keeping our hormonal health. Your intake of fiber should be 35g to 45g as a daily total.

Sources: All veggies and fruits, avocados, legumes, flax, chia and hemp seeds, nuts and seeds, gluten-free whole grains like quinoa and millet.


Eat real food

Eating real food is crucial to have balanced hormones. No processed food, no protein powders, and just real, fresh, seasonal food. We are designed to eat real food unprocessed and full of nutrients.


Would you love to have delicious, nourishing meals each morning even when you’re on the go?

 It’s time to get your day started the right way.

How to Make a Healthy Breakfast When You Have No Time To Balance Your Blood Sugar, Weight Loss and Balance Hormones!

Plus 5 tasty recipes you can make in 20 minutes, or less!

Say YES to yourself, and grab the FREE guide & recipes!

Ready for a Detox! Join me for NEW THRIVING HORMONES DETOX design to help you have balanced hormones!

In Health,



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