Hormones / 66 posts found

Flaxseed for Hormonal Balance

by Angie
  Flaxseed, which has a Latin name Linum Ustatissiumum (Latin meaning instrumental) has been around for centuries. Women were the first people who mainly used it to suppress their naturally menopausal effects. The plant stem that was used then is still in the industry as a source of fiber with great durability and strength. It was introduced in America by colonists with an intention of producing fiber. Flax plant was used mainly for fabrication of clothes by applying linen and papers, while flaxseed oil and its sub-products are widely utilized in the formulation of animal feed. There is a difference […]

Pomegranate Ancient Secret for Hormonal Imbalance

  Pomegranate has been a significant historical fruit due to its mystery and magic. Ancient Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese, and the Middle East considered it as energizing and life-giving. Besides, the fruit has gained recognition in significant religions as a symbol of the Garden of Paradise, and the fruit of life. By eating it, the people developed a belief of invincibility and rebirth. As a symbol of civilization, the fruit was considered of power and legend. It was named “the jewel of winter” for it was used as a medicine that treated several symptoms. Today, studies have shown that Pomegranates […]

Bone Broth Benefits for Hormones

by Angie
  We have heard a lot about bone broth. It is a big thing now, but do you know that drinking a bone broth can improve your hormonal health? I’m a big fan of bone broth, and I have been making it since I was a child. I used to help my grandmother cook and make all kind of different concoctions. In the country I come from Poland we did not waste any part of the animal. We knew that animals bones are incredibly nutritious and help replenish minerals in our body. Lucky for me, I live in Boulder right […]

How Organ Meats Can Improve Your Hormonal Health & Liver Pate Recipe

by Angie
  The importance of balanced hormones is known to all. However, there is one thing that is still very hard to understand; the moving components and the amount of nutrients needed to keep things in proper balance. Consider this; if your pituitary gland does not get sufficient vitamins D and E or magnesium, it will not be able to secrete hormones in the right way. That would even affect different glands and organs that rely on the pituitary signals. Lack of these substances would also lead to a lack of thyroid hormone, which can affect metabolism. When it comes to […]

Four Tips To Help Balance Hormones

by Angie
Balancing hormones is not an easy task, and it can be complicated. There is so much information on the internet. Most of my clients complain that they don’t know where to start and they feel overwhelmed. If you don’t know where to begin here are four tips, which will give you some idea as to how much work you will have to do to feel better. You can take those three simple steps. Give them a try and see the difference they can make. Tip #1 Balance Blood Sugar As easy as it sounds 95% of Americans don’t know who […]

Gut and Brain Connection

by Angie
  Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach? Have you ever fell “sick to your stomach” or ” fell nauseous” when something emotional happened? Have you ever had a “gut feeling” about something? Those expressions are here for a reason. Our gut-gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to different emotion. Sadness, anxiety, anger— can trigger symptoms in the gut.   Studies have shown that there is a direct connection between the brain and the stomach. It is well known that the thought about eating can release the stomach’s juices before the food gets there. An […]

Hormone Balancing Dandelion and Chicory Root Latte

by Angie
  If you are looking for a great coffee substitute – here you found it!   If you want to be healthy, watch your calories, keep your lean figure and quit coffee but don’t want to give up your favorites lattes, then you need to check out this healthy latte recipe. Store bought lattes are usually loaded with empty calories in the form of copious amounts of sugar, bad fat and don’t fill you up like food. This is why drinking calories is a bad idea, especially when you’re cutting them. That doesn’t mean you have to give up on […]

Pumpkin Smoothie for Hormonal Balance

by Angie
  Fall is in full swing! Pumpkin and pumpkin spice is in everything! I love pumpkins because they are an excellent food for women with hormonal imbalances. Today I’m sharing one of my fall favorite smoothie recipe which supports hormonal balance. The smoothie contains PFF (protein, fat, and fiber). This kind of meal (either breakfast or snack) is design to help stabilize sugar levels, as well as boost your energy and help you with focus. When you eat balanced meals, you are not going to have many cravings throughout a day. You are getting a great amount of protein from […]

Top Ten Hormone Balancing Foods.

by Angie
    When hormones are out of balance, we can experience a wide range of issues from headaches, weight gain, PMS, fertility, hair loss, our ability to cope with stress to anxiety and more. Hormones help with growth, metabolism, mood and sexual function and metabolism. Food is a fantastic tool when dealing with hormone imbalances and today, I will share 10 best hormone balancing foods with you. Before you include hormone-balancing foods into your diet, you need to know which ones are too high or too low. I  recommend working with a health practitioner, who can help you assess your […]

Signs You Need to Detox

by Angie
How toxic are you? There is no way to know for sure. Being “toxic” is a euphemism (you are not really toxic) used to describe the fact that the many toxic substances that we are exposed to, enter our body and do not necessarily leave. Toxins can be from the environment, our food or created in our body as part of normal body function. If toxins are in the body, they must leave the body and there are a few systems in the body that must do the detoxification. The key player is the liver which can rid the body […]