Gut Health / 21 posts found

Gut and Brain Connection

by Angie
  Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach? Have you ever fell “sick to your stomach” or ” fell nauseous” when something emotional happened? Have you ever had a “gut feeling” about something? Those expressions are here for a reason. Our gut-gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to different emotion. Sadness, anxiety, anger— can trigger symptoms in the gut.   Studies have shown that there is a direct connection between the brain and the stomach. It is well known that the thought about eating can release the stomach’s juices before the food gets there. An […]

Signs You Need to Detox

by Angie
How toxic are you? There is no way to know for sure. Being “toxic” is a euphemism (you are not really toxic) used to describe the fact that the many toxic substances that we are exposed to, enter our body and do not necessarily leave. Toxins can be from the environment, our food or created in our body as part of normal body function. If toxins are in the body, they must leave the body and there are a few systems in the body that must do the detoxification. The key player is the liver which can rid the body […]

Causes of Hormonal Imbalances

by Angie
  Hormonal imbalances very common nowadays – so much so that even girls are dealing with them! Doctors really don’t know how to deal with it, and most of the time they prescribe a birth control pills even for young girls. I feel that is unnecessary, that they don’t deal with the root cause. The girls stay on the pills for the majority of their life, disconnected from the menstrual cycle, body and femininity. I have been blessed to have enough common sense and stop the pill after 2 months of using it because I felt terrible and had that […]

Understanding Fermented Foods – Your Quick Guide to Choosing the Ones That Are Right for You

      Fermented foods are unique. For many years, fermenting was considered just a way to preserve food. Now we know that fermenting allows beneficial bacteria and sometimes yeast strains to build up in the food, turning it into a powerhouse of nutrients that helps the gut and the rest of the body.   Research does exist for fermented foods, plus there is a lot of historical information as to how they have been used in the past. Most fermented foods are made with an anaerobic process, meaning the good bacteria build up lactic acid bacteria and other acids […]

Discovering the 3 Best Steps to Better Gut Health & Well-Being.

by Angie
  In a perfect world we would all have known more about the beneficial microbes in and on our body and how to look after them. We would know how to feed them, and we would be reaping the amazing health they help us achieve.   Unfortunately, that is not the world we live in, and many of us live with results of poor gut management and the symptoms that go with it – gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and inflammation.   This is a complex issue, and what we know is that poor gut health is being linked as a […]

Digestive enzymes anyone?

by Angie
  Digestive enzymes are great! They help you digest food and when taken in between meals help reduce inflammation.   Not all of them are created equal though, and not everybody should be taking them.   As a practitioner, I find that most people with digestive issues would like to jump straight into using a supplement. They are looking for a “magic pill” for everything without trying different options first. I like to try other strategies first. It is worth to mention that some supplements can be harmful if misused and can have interactions with drugs and other supplements.   […]

What Is Candida?

by Angie
  Candida is a type of yeast present in every human body and is helpful in digestion. In a healthy body, candida is controlled by beneficial bacteria, which is not harmful. Problems start when the good bacteria balance deteriorates. The result is an uncontrolled growth of candida. The imbalance in the beneficial bacteria can arise from taking antibiotics and birth control pills, prolonged stress, or eating a diet full of sugar and refined carbohydrates. It is becoming a disease of “hidden epidemic” proportions. It is a major contributing factor to many diseases.   What is Candida? Candidiasis is an infection […]

Plantain Bread and Benefits of Resistant Starch

by Cary
Hum, Plantain… You are probably wondering what that is? A plantain looks like a banana but it is three times bigger and it tastes differently. I love to use them in my cooking, and I always use them when they are green. Plantains are excellent flour substitute and when they are green they kind of taste like potatoes adding great texture to your baked goods but not the flavor of potatoes. Plantains are my favorite resistant starch which means that it is a type of carbohydrate that is not entirely broken down and absorbed by the body (which means they […]

Do You Want to Have Balanced Hormones? Start With improving the Gut Health.

by Angie
    Are you struggling with estrogen dominance, anxiety, candida, weight gain, a thyroid condition, hair loss and more?   You might not be aware, but the gut health and hormone health are closely related. You won’t have balanced hormones if you don’t heal the gut first. It is important to realize that you are as healthy as your gut is. Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” If you can’t digest and break down the food properly your body is not getting enough nutrients to function optimally.   Our gut is a barrier, which lets things in that […]

Do you know what is Moringa? You might want to go and get some after reading this….

by Angie
  Moringa (moringa oleifera) is also known as the Ben Oil Tree, Drumstick Tree, or Indian Horseradish. Moringa is a fast-growing tree typically cultivated in India, tropical Asia, Africa and Latin America, yielding long seed pods that resemble drumsticks, hence the name Drumstick Tree. Moringa has long been used in eastern medicine to treat many ailments such as low energy, adrenal fatigue and helps to naturally detox the liver just to name a few. As a dietary supplement, Moringa is high in protein, Vitamins A, B and C and contains minerals such as calcium and iron. It is also rich […]