Explore Fresh Food at the Local Farmers Market

by Angie

Spring is here! One of my favorite activities is going to the Farmers Market filled with beautiful veggies and fruits. I love to go and shop at Farmers Market and enjoy the most glorious produce, baskets and bins full of delicious, and colorful of seasonal delights. I know that all the abundance can be overwhelming though for some people. I love to shop and eat locally.

Eating locally and seasonally is for the environment and our bodies, but keeping track of what to buy, where it comes from and how to get it can be confusing. Shopping your local farmers’ market is the easiest way to ensure that what you’re buying is seasonal, fresh, and local.

Farmers markets also are a way to connect with communities. Purchasing local goods is an experience that promotes a sense of place, important in making individuals feel tied to their communities.

  1. Start with a list of what you want to buy. It is essential for me because I find myself distracted by new products and tend to forget what I supposed to buy. I also like to browse the Market first, so I know what looks best without making mistakes and buying everything at the first booth.
  2. It is important to know the seasons. When you know a bit of what to expect, then making decisions what to buy is a little easier. Learning what grows in your area and when is a big plus.
  3. Go Early or Go Late. I like to go to the markets in the morning because they are usually less crowded right when they open or just before they close. If you want to find the best selection, definitely try to go to the farmers market early. The best products go first. Favorite items usually sell first. If you want to find the best deals, try to go to the farmers market late. Farmers and other vendors often discount products on the end of the day instead of loading them back up.
  1. Go to the Market hungry so you can sample different foods and decide which veggies and fruits are best. Sampling is vital, especially when it comes to fruit. The eye may deceive, but the taste never lies.
  2. Be spontaneous. Try new things! The best part of going to farmers markets is trying new things. Explore.
  1. Talk to farmers. Why do I like the farmers market? It is because I can chat with the farmers and ask all kind of questions. Farmers like that and they are more than happy to answer any questions you have about their products. It takes dedication to be a farmer and inquiring about results is a nice thing to do. Appreciation is vital. Ask the farmer how to cook the food you don’t recognize if it’s in season or how to cook it.
  1. Connect with friends and community

When I go to the farmers market, I get the chance to meet friends and hang out with them. It is like a community hub—where you can bring your children and family to enjoy new flavors, find new products and have some fun!

At the Farmers Markets, you will get fresh, organic, non-GMO food. The food is seasonal, more nutritious, taste better and have better nutritional value because is grown nearby. Get out there, find your Farmers Market enjoy the food and community!

In Health,


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