Balance Your Hormones With Yoga

by Angie


Yoga is a system of exercise which is used to maintain physical fitness or relaxation. It is helpful in gaining control of the body and mind.

The benefits of yoga are numerous and cannot be over-emphasized. One of the benefits is balancing hormones naturally through postures, meditation, and breathing. Yoga is very useful in restoring hormonal balance. It is intended to help release stress and change the relationship within our bodies.

When I was suffering from adrenal fatigue, yoga was the way out. It helped me restore hormonal balance. I know keeping balance can be quite challenging in a stressful environment. Juggling family life, work and taking time out for one’s self is quite challenging. All the same,balancing the hormones is a very crucial part of our health care. Thus, it is essential that you make out time for yoga like I did, because it will help reduce painful periods, anxiety, PMS, improve your mood and the regularity of ovulation and menstrual cycles.

The endocrine system is made up of different hormone producing glands. Such glands  are vital to the proper functioning of the body. Research has shown that over 85% of women suffer from a hormonal imbalance which manifests in a wide range of symptoms. These can vary from skin problems, hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, PMS, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, mood swings, headaches and much more. Therefore, keeping the endocrine system at the equilibrium is essential for good health.

The Hormones in Focus

The major hormonal production center in the body is found in the head. The head is the home of the pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal glands. The hypothalamus gland produces different hormones such as the Thyrotrophic Releasing Hormone (TSH), Growth Hormone (GH), Vasopressin (Anti-Diuretic) Hormone, Corticotrophin-Releasing Hormone, Oxytocin and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormones.

The Pineal gland is a tiny organ that regulates daily and seasonal circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake patterns that determine the hormone levels, stress levels and physical performance of the body. It is  the highest source of ethereal energy available. It is also known as our “third eye”. The Pineal gland works closely with the hypothalamus, which directs the body’s sexual desire, hunger, thirst and the biological clock that determines our aging process.

To balance these hormones, yoga is very vital. I will show you yoga exercises and poses that will help you balance these hormones. The exercises and poses focus on asanas (a body position typically associated with the practice of yoga) that open the hips, lengthen the spine and concentrate on four essential glands that are the guardians of the balance of the female hormonal system namely; Thyroid gland, Adrenal Glands, Ovaries and the Pituitary Gland.

  1. Thyroid Gland:The thyroid gland is located behind the collar bone. It produces hormones which regulate growth and development through metabolism (the body’s use of energy to perform functions).
  1. Adrenal Glands:The adrenal glands are located at the  top of the kidneys. They produce hormones which  react to and manage stress, burn fat and protein, control the blood sugar and regulate blood pressure.
  1. Ovary Gland:The ovary gland is positioned in the pelvic region of the body. It produces the hormones responsible for reproduction.
  1. Pituitary Gland:This is located behind the eyebrow center. It’s responsible for sexual development and reproductive function, as the master, it controls the other glands.

For best results and synergy, yoga practice should stimulate all the four glands!

Hormonal Balancing Yoga Poses

The yoga exercises and poses below can help to stimulate hormonal balance:

  1. Butterfly Pose: Titaliasana

This helps release stress from the hips and strengthening the pelvic floor and adrenals.

  1. Camel Pose

It helps stimulate your internal organs, especially the neck region where the thyroid and parathyroid are located.

  1. Camel Pose: Ustrasana

It involves a back bend that opens the heart and stimulates the thyroid gland. It also massages the pancreas.

  1. Cat Yoga Pose: Viparita Karani

This is great for balancing the ovaries as they open the area of the lower spine and focus on the pelvic region.

  1. Cobra Pose: Bhujangasana

The Cobra pose helps to massage the adrenal gland and also helps release the tension in your body.

  1. Easy Pose: Sukasana

The Easy Pose helps open the hips and stimulates the adrenal gland.

  1. Legs up the Wall Pose: Viparita Karani

This is a mild inversion that releases tension in the legs and also stimulates the ovaries.

  1. Seated Forward Bend Pose

This helps stimulate the thyroid gland; the thymus.

  1. Rabbit Pose: Sasangasania

This involves kneeling forward. It helps in stretching the spine, stimulates the thyroid and the parathyroid glands. This pose might be helpful in combating depression.

  1. Sitting Head to Knee Pose: Sanuslirshasana

The helps balance blood sugar and keeps insulin levels from spiking.

  1. The Warrior Tree Pose and Triangle

These are great for stimulating the pituitary gland.

  1. Standing Forward Fold: Ultanasana

This pose helps increases blood flow to your brain and hypothalamus and improves the functioning of your pituitary gland.




I hope you can practice a couple of them!

The above yoga poses are also great for detoxification. Check out my gentle winter Detox here! Click on the image for more!

In health,


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