Liver Loving Superfoods

by Cary


The liver and gallbladder work in perfect harmony to support a robust immune system, healthy digestion, and balanced mood.

The liver is our master detoxifier. It filters and neutralizes harmful substances in your body. It has 500 metabolic jobs, which it cannot perform when overburdened with toxins. Bile is produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder. When our liver is overburdened and toxic leads to an impaired release of bile from the gallbladder, which affects the breakdown of fats and overall digestion.

For these reasons, consuming liver-loving foods should be a priority. However, it can be difficult for those with digestive issues to add a lot of liver-loving superfoods that contain roughage into their diets. If you find greens in your stools undigested, this means your body has trouble digesting them. Therefore, if you have digestive issues, you can make it a point to puree or steam them. I also suggest blending your greens into a smoothie or buying a green powder such as spirulina or wheatgrass and adding it to your favorite smoothie.

The more you love your liver, the faster your digestion will love you back. The liver and the digestive system are directly related.

How the Liver Works

The liver has two-phases of detoxification pathway. To work correctly, it needs to have specific nutrients, specific minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and phytochemicals.

Phase I of liver detoxification

– Toxins are released and neutralized into bile or become water-soluble so that they can be excreted via urine. Sometimes when necessary, toxins can be converted into intermediaries, which are chemically active forms and are more toxic than the original substance. They are very damaging if not correctly metabolized and excreted by the body. Then toxins are converted a second time there and they are combined with mineral compounds, amino acids, or other biochemicals that are water-soluble.

Phase II of liver detoxification

– Phase II of liver detoxification involves five different processes. One of them is a process called conjugation. Conjugation means that the toxic substances are bind to other elements and substances to be safely eliminated by kidney, bladder, and bile. In this phase, we detoxify drugs, toxins from intestinal bacteria and harmful food additives. This process also metabolizes steroid hormones (estrogen), and thyroid hormones, so they do not overburden the body.

Foods to Help with the Detoxification Phases

One of the most important things to do in Phase I liver detoxification is to get rid of or reduce free radicals. We can do it by providing food rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals like vegetables and fruits. One of the most amazing antioxidants is glutathione, which is made by the body, but it also found in avocado, watermelon, mushrooms, papaya, onions, and garlic.

One of the parts of Phase II Liver detoxification is called sulfation, where, sulfur compounds are necessary to convert harmful chemicals into water-soluble substances. Those sulfur compounds get int our body via food like kale, lentils, eggs, onions, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, lentils, beans, peas, and garlic.


ARTICHOKES: they increase bile flow, and they are prebiotic, which means that they help digestion.

ASPARAGUS: It is helpful with cleansing the kidneys and helps reduce water retention. Asparagus is an excellent source of folate, which is essential for healthy cells, and high in glutathione, a vital antioxidant for detox.

CHLORELLA: Great source of chlorophyll, which protects us from carcinogens and detoxifies our liver.

DANDELIONS: It is perfect for stimulating the digestive juices and helps digest fats. Dandelion also supports the body’s natural detoxification process. You can add it to the salad, smoothies, and juices, make tinctures, cook with them or just drink it as a tea. Remember a little goes a long way because they are very bitter therefore spring is the best time to eat then when they all fresh!

GARLIC: Garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-cancerous. It supports detoxification and is one of nature’s best antioxidants.

NETTLE: Rich in minerals (iron, magnesium and more), vitamins and antioxidants. Nettle helps strengthen the liver, help adrenals recover and works like kidneys tonic. You can make nettle infusion and drink it a couple times a day to help you detox.

BITTER FOODS: Bitter melon, romaine, mustard greens help to cleanse the liver.

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale, mustard, maca, bok choy, radish, mustard greens, turnips, rutabaga, arugula, the spices mustard, Brussels sprouts, horseradish and wasabi, and ornamentals such as candytuft. This family of plants also includes Asian vegetables such as bok choy, daikon, and Chinese (napa) cabbage.

BEETS: Beets contain lots of antioxidants and other nutrients that have cleansing and detoxifying properties. One of them is betaine. Betaine helps eliminate toxins. Another nutrient is called betalains, a pigment that is anti-inflammatory and at the same time encourages detoxification. Beets also contain pectin, which is a fiber. Fiber helps remove toxins that have been cleared from the liver so that toxins won’t reincorporate back into the body. Beets are a fantastic liver cleanser. Make juice, eat a beet soup or add it to your salad.


LEAFY GREENS: Such as chard, bok choy, kale, spinach, mustard greens, watercress

SEA VEGETABLES: Such as kelp, dulse, dulse, arame, nori, and kombu.

LEAFY GREENS: Such as kale, Swiss chard, spinach, bok choy, mustard greens, and watercress.

FRESH HERBS: Such as mint, parsley, cilantro, and basil.

SUPERFOODS: Such as spirulina, chlorella, chlorophyll and wheatgrass and wild blue algae.

Try adding one liver-loving food a day to your diet. You can have a cup of nettle tea, add dandelion greens to your smoothie, sauté some asparagus with your meals, or add some kale to your smoothie. Love the liver and digestion will run smoothly.

In Health


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