Hormones a Hot Mess?

by Angie



I remember when my hormones were a hot mess. I was told to add flaxseeds. O am so thankful I did.


Let me share with you why I love flaxseeds. Flaxseeds, also called linseeds, are a rich wellspring of micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, and the fundamental unsaturated fat alpha-linolenic corrosive, otherwise called ALA or omega-3.


Flaxseeds have served as nourishment for around 6,000 years and were more than likely the first superfood. Their benefits are numerous: enhanced assimilation, clear skin, decreased cholesterol, decreased sugar desires, adjusted hormones, and advance weight reduction. Flaxseed contains a perfect combination of omega-3’s and omega-6’s which work to frame the films of each cell in your body and support the dynamic tissues of your brain. Flaxseeds support healthy hair, nails, and skin, minimize circulatory strain, and prevent joint pain and diseases. Flaxseed aids digestion and can reduce the effects of menopause.


Flaxseeds have even more benefits, many of them hormonal.


High fiber but low carbs

Flaxseeds contain large amounts of adhesive gum content. Adhesive gum is a gel-framing fiber that is water dissolvable and has amazing advantages for the intestinal tract. The adhesive keeps nourishment in the stomach from depleting too rapidly into the small digestive tract. Flax is also high in both solvent and insoluble fiber that can bolster colon detoxification, promote weight loss, and reduce sugar cravings.


Skin & Hair

To improve skin, hair, and nails, include 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds to your smoothie or 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil to your daily routine. The ALA fats in flaxseeds benefit skin and hair cells by providing basic fats and B-vitamins to prevent dryness and flakiness. It can also reduce the presence of skin inflammation, rosacea, and dermatitis, and alleviate dry eye disorder.



Flaxseeds are perfect for people with Celiac disease or gluten-affectability. They are also a good source of the same omega-3 fats found in fish for individuals with fish sensitivity. It is an excellent grain-free ingredient for cooking.



A review distributed in the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research found that consuming flaxseeds may diminish the danger of breast cancer. The three lignans found in flaxseeds can be metabolized by intestinal microbes into enterolactone and diol which actually adjust hormone levels. Another review distributed in the Journal of Nutrition found that the lignans in flaxseeds can also reduce the danger of endometrial and ovarian growth.


Menopausal Symptoms

The lignans in flax can be used as an alternative to hormone substitution treatment because of their estrogenic properties. They can also help decrease the onset of osteoporosis. Flaxseed can even promote regular menstrual cycles. To optimize these benefits, incorporate 1-2 tbsps. of flaxseed in a breakfast smoothie alongside 1 tbsp. of flaxseed oil.



Blueberry Kale Smoothie

Makes 1 serving


1          cup kale, raw

1          cup blueberries

3          tbsp walnuts

1          tbsp sprouted and grounded flax seeds

1          tbsp maca powder

1.5       cup almond milk or any non diary milk, unsweetened

½        teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Place kale in blender first, then cover with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Process at high speed until well combined (you may need to carefully press the kale down a bit).


If you are ready to jumpstart your health, just hit reply and let’s schedule a session here!


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Yours in health and wellness,


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